Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Measures

There is increasing emphasis on good governance practice to build and maintain institutional integrity within road and transport administrations. Working Group 3 dealing with "Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Measures" within Technical Committee 1.1 on'Performance of Transport Administrations' of the World Road Association (WRA) has focused its activities on two main elements of integrity:
the influence of the media in creating perceptions relating to institutional integrity;
the practical application of the Integrity Toolkit (which was developed in the 2008 - 2011 cycle by the WRA).
The purpose of this report is three-fold to:
- describe current situations of and key issues affecting institutional integrity with a focus on the influence of the media and anti-corruption measures in the transport sector;
- provide a snapshot of the effective benchmarks of integrity laws, policies and measures, transferable lessons including implications of increased scrutiny by the media; and
- showcase the "Well-Prepared Project" concept which holds that the better a project is prepared, the smaller the risks.
This report includes:
- a discussion on the influence of media on institutional integrity,
- an overview of the Integrity Toolkit and survey results on the applicability of the Toolkit, and
- case studies from various countries documenting lessons learnt about the perception relating to institutional integrity created by the media and good governance and anti-corruption measures and tools.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 1.1 - Performance des Administrations routières Technical Committee 1.1 - Performance of Road Administrations
- Domain(s): Governance of Road Authorities
- Type: 2016R21EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R21EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-410-5
- Number of pages: 59